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Jenny Lengyel

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Here's what people at TLC have to say

What is your favorite experience at TLC?

Play Video about Don's Story

"Don's Story"
by Paul Mbati, DSP

What is TLC like as an organization?

Play Video about What is TLC like as an organization?

Hear from DSPs:
Paul, Stacey, Benson, Veronica, & Angelica

Why do YOU do this work?

Play Video about Why do YOU do this work?

Hear from DSPs:
Paul, Stacey, Benson, Veronica, & Angelica

What is it like to be a DSP at TLC?

Play Video about What is it like to be a DSP at TLC?

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)

What is it like to be a Community Inclusion (CI) Coach?

Play Video about Hear from a CI coach

Hear from Stacey,
CI Coach

What is it like to work at TLC for over 30 years?

Play Video

Hear from Julianne,
hired in 1990

What is it like to work at the TLC office?

Play Video about What is it like to work at the TLC Office?

Described by Rebecca,

What is TLC looking for in potential employees?

Play Video about Meet HR Assistant, Alicia

Words from HR Assistant,

What is TLC like? The Team Coordinator perspective

Team Coordinators

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