
board of directors

The Board of Directors is composed of community members who have a variety of backgrounds, interests and shared commitment to contributing of their time, knowledge, expertise and ideas in service to the organization’s values, mission and purpose.









Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

1. Policy administration: Establishes and/or continues the legal or corporate existence of the organization; ensures the legal requirements are met for conducting business as a not-for-profit, 501 (c) (3); adopts by-laws and ensures the organization operates within them; adopts policies which determine the purpose, guiding principles, functions, activities, and direction of the organization.

2. Evaluation: Together with employees of the organization, regularly evaluates and reviews services and supports and maintains standards of performance; and monitors the activities of the organization.

3. Personnel: Hires and reviews the performance of the Executive Director; approves policies which address the management of personnel;

4. Board development: Participates in the identification, recruitment, selection and orientation of board members.

5. Finance: Approves and monitors the corporate finances of the organization; authorizes and approves the annual financial statements; takes responsibility for all expenditures dealing with building improvements or purchases of additional land or buildings.

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Here's what people at TLC have to say

What is your favorite experience at TLC?

Play Video about Don's Story

"Don's Story"
by Paul Mbati, DSP

What is TLC like as an organization?

Play Video about What is TLC like as an organization?

Hear from DSPs:
Paul, Stacey, Benson, Veronica, & Angelica

Why do YOU do this work?

Play Video about Why do YOU do this work?

Hear from DSPs:
Paul, Stacey, Benson, Veronica, & Angelica

What is it like to be a DSP at TLC?

Play Video about What is it like to be a DSP at TLC?

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)

What is it like to be a Community Inclusion (CI) Coach?

Play Video about Hear from a CI coach

Hear from Stacey,
CI Coach

What is it like to work at TLC for over 30 years?

Play Video

Hear from Julianne,
hired in 1990

What is it like to work at the TLC office?

Play Video about What is it like to work at the TLC Office?

Described by Rebecca,

What is TLC looking for in potential employees?

Play Video about Meet HR Assistant, Alicia

Words from HR Assistant,

What is TLC like? The Team Coordinator perspective

Team Coordinators

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