
community inclusion services

What is Community Inclusion?

TLC is committed to identifying community involvement for the people we support.   

Community Inclusion provides one-on one services for participants to be active in the community and build relationships with people based on interest. Participants are supported by a TLC Community Inclusion coach to explore their community based on their likes and skills to form friendships with people not served or employed by programs for people with developmental disabilities. All services are guided by an individualized Community Inclusion plan created in collaboration with guardians, family members and other people close to the Community Inclusion participant. Plans are updated twice a year to reflect changes in participants preferences and activities.

Nanette describes Community Inclusion services at TLC.

What is it like to be a Community Inclusion Coach?

We share a dream where:

Every person devotes each day to helping someone else succeed

Everyone works to break down the prejudices that limit others’ lives

People keep their promises, do what’s right, and act thoughtfully and decisively in problem solving

We seek to understand each other before seeking to be understood

Two ladies, hanging out together at the Bingo hall

…differences as a rich source of ideas and creative energy

Our agency contributes to the knowledge of best practices for supporting people in their communities

We form and maintain open, honest partnerships among carefully chosen organizations and people

And all of us create a positive future by living the belief that all people are “members of each other”

A man with a bike helmet and biking gear is on his bike.

Meaningful community involvement 

Working relationships 

Increased skills for advancement opportunities 


Social Justice 

A woman is sitting at a slot machine in a casino. She is smiling and smoking a cigarette.
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Here's what people at TLC have to say

What is your favorite experience at TLC?

Play Video about Don's Story

"Don's Story"
by Paul Mbati, DSP

What is TLC like as an organization?

Play Video about What is TLC like as an organization?

Hear from DSPs:
Paul, Stacey, Benson, Veronica, & Angelica

Why do YOU do this work?

Play Video about Why do YOU do this work?

Hear from DSPs:
Paul, Stacey, Benson, Veronica, & Angelica

What is it like to be a DSP at TLC?

Play Video about What is it like to be a DSP at TLC?

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)

What is it like to be a Community Inclusion (CI) Coach?

Play Video about Hear from a CI coach

Hear from Stacey,
CI Coach

What is it like to work at TLC for over 30 years?

Play Video

Hear from Julianne,
hired in 1990

What is it like to work at the TLC office?

Play Video about What is it like to work at the TLC Office?

Described by Rebecca,

What is TLC looking for in potential employees?

Play Video about Meet HR Assistant, Alicia

Words from HR Assistant,

What is TLC like? The Team Coordinator perspective

Team Coordinators

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